Wondering what is the process of getting a wisdom tooth out?

For many people, wisdom tooth extraction is a very common procedure that is very simple. Knowing what is involved is the best way to get through the dental procedure as smoothly as possible.

Why You May Need A Wisdom Teeth Removal

The main reason most people need to have their wisdom teeth removed is that we generally do not have large enough jaws to allow room for an additional set of molars. Wisdom teeth are known as “third molars” and if they don’t have enough room to grow in, they can become a problem.

Common problems associated with wisdom teeth are when they don’t fully emerge or when they come in at an angle. This can cause crowding which can damage your other teeth. Failure to treat a wisdom tooth that needs to be removed could also lead to bacterial infections.

Depending on your jaw development, you may not need all of your wisdom teeth removed. The degree to which your wisdom teeth are impacted will determine how complicated the wisdom tooth surgery will be. Make sure to ask your dentist about your particular case and what your options are.

Wisdom Teeth Removal Procedure

Wisdom tooth surgery is a very safe and relatively painless procedure. Your dentist will apply an anesthetic to eliminate any potential pain. Depending on how impacted your wisdom teeth are, either a local anesthetic or general anesthetic will be administered. Your dentist will discuss options with you before the procedure.

The removal of wisdom teeth depends on whether your wisdom teeth have erupted through your gums. If they have not, a small incision in the gums will be made. The tooth will then be removed by widening the tooth socket or cutting the tooth into smaller parts.

You may feel some pressure during this part of the procedure but you should not feel any pain. If you feel pain during the procedure, tell your dentist or oral surgeon so they can administer more anesthetic.

Once the tooth is removed, the gums will be stitched up using dissolving stitches.

Wisdom Teeth Removal Recovery

The first 24 hours after your wisdom tooth removal are the most important for your recovery. During this time, a blood clot is forming in your tooth socket. Avoid any rinsing, brushing, spitting, smoking or drinking through a straw as it could open the clot or lead to a dry socket.

Bleeding at the extraction site is common during the first 1-2 days. Your dentist should supply you with gauze which you may change when saturated until the bleeding stops.

Is is common to experience some discomfort for the first several days as well. Your dentist may prescribe you pain relievers to control pain.

Swelling and jaw stiffness generally last 1-2 weeks and the sockets created by your wisdom tooth extraction will typically close within six weeks.

Looking for more advice about wisdom teeth removal in Columbia, MD? Feel free to reach out! Our staff is always happy to help and answer any questions.