Monthly Archives: December 2019

The Dangers of DIY Smile Whitening

If you’ve surfed the internet at all over the last few years, chances are you’ve seen claims of how certain DIY smile whitening treatments can transform your teeth. While we understand how tempting it can be to try these easy and affordable trends to get a brighter, whiter smile, your dentist in Columbia wants you [...]

By | December 20th, 2019|Cosmetic Dentistry, General & Preventive Dentistry|0 Comments

What You Need to Know About Denture Care

Tooth loss is, unfortunately, incredibly common. In fact, more than 36 million Americans don’t have any natural teeth. For these people, dentures can be an excellent solution. Dentures not only replace teeth, they can also help restore confidence and the lives of those who get them. However, your dentist in Columbia wants patients to know [...]