Monthly Archives: February 2018

How to Tell What Services Your Dental Insurance Covers

What services does your dental insurance cover? Unfortunately, this question is all too common in regards to dental insurance and is confusing for many people. Luckily, it doesn’t have to be. Knowing where to look for answers to questions about your dental insurance is key to making the most of your insurance plan. It will make [...]

By | February 26th, 2018|Helpful Tips|0 Comments

What Is the Process of Getting Wisdom Teeth Extracted?

Wondering what is the process of getting a wisdom tooth out? For many people, wisdom tooth extraction is a very common procedure that is very simple. Knowing what is involved is the best way to get through the dental procedure as smoothly as possible. Why You May Need A Wisdom Teeth Removal The main reason most [...]

By | February 14th, 2018|Helpful Tips|0 Comments

How Often Is Teeth Cleaning Required?

Most people know they need their teeth cleaned regularly. However, they may not know how often teeth cleaning required.  To answer, most dentists recommend that the average person should visit for a teeth cleaning and dental checkup every six months. You’ve probably already heard this recommendation. If you’re reading this, the question you’re most likely asking [...]

By | February 5th, 2018|Helpful Tips|0 Comments